Deep Learning with Database as Executable file
Deep Learning Model + SQL Database + Threading
The task that I encountered was to construct a program, which can run by itself and should keep watching multiple Database tables at different time intervals. To make it possible, I used the thread with TCP/IP to check whether new data tables are updated in SQL. If new data is found, then I access the data while remembering previously processed one. After transforming the newly scanned data into a 2D matrix and projecting it as an image, I implemented trained CNN model to predict the grade of a product. Finally, I write the prediction result with corresponding information on an outcome table and saved the image into the path(written in JSON file).
Structure of Codes
1. Prerequisites
- Global Variables: Required information to access SQL
- JSON file: Paths where to save image and where trained model parameter located
2. Classes
- Class A: SQL manager
- Class B: Deep Learning Model and Pre-Processing
- Function C: scheduler, which calls the functions in Class A and Class B to check whether a new data came in and execute to save the image and perform prediction.
3. Main function
- Class A initialization enables us to connect database.
- Class B initialization read JSON file for necessary paths
- SetModel function in Class B ensures whether trained model parameters are loaded
- Catch for Function C
import treading
import logging
# 1.1 Global Varaibles such as localhost, id, and password to access SQL database
sql_host = 'tcp:xxx,xxx,xx,xx'
sql_user = 'wonik'
sql_password = 'jang'
sql_db = 'pro'
sql_encode = 'utf-8'
# 1.2 Load Json file, which contains relevant paths
abs_path = './'
json0 = 'path_inform_final.json'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( abs_path ):
for name in files:
if name == json0:
json_path0 = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, name))
json_path1 = json_path0.replace('\\','/')
# 2.1 Class A
# query sql command within appropriate functions
Class SqlManager(object):
def __init__(self):
# Set Connection)
self.conn = pymssql.connect(server = sql_host[4:], user = sql_user,
password = sql_password, database = sql_db)
def __del__(self):
def GetRecentProcData(self):
def MonitorAdb(self):
def MonitorBdb(self):
def UpdateResultAdb(self):
def UpdateResultBdb(self):
# 2.2 Class B
Class PreprocDL(object):
def __init__(self, json_path1):
def SetModel(self):
def Normalize(self, data, w, h):
def PosToIndex(self, pos):
def ReadFile(self, identifier, data, additional):
def PreProcess(self, identifier, data, additional):
def ImageSaver(self, identifier, data, additional):
def DoClassify(self, identifier, data, additional):
# 2.3 Function C
def scheduler1():
# Load a function in Class A, which monitor Database
# if NewData is not empyty, execute pre-processing and prediction with loaded model
# run timer
thread0 = threading.Timer(CHK_TIME, scheduler1)
# 3. Main funciton
if __name__ == "__main__":
# SQL Manager
SqlManager = SqlManager()
# Classifier
MyClf = PreprocDL(json_path1)
# Load trained model paramerters
init_res = MyClf.SetModel()
# SetModel() returns init_res as an indicator of model loading by Catch
if init_res == 0:
try :
except Exception as err:
else :
logging.debug("\nDeep Learning Model Loading Fail...!\n" )
# raise Exception
raise RuntimeError
Build executable file(.exe) using pyinstaller
Things to remember
- If Tensorflow environment is CPU(GPU) based, trained model should be built upon CPU(GPU)
- Type in required packages when building an executable file
Example of generating one python executable file in command line.
pyinstaller –hidden-import=scipy.integrate –hidden-import=scipy.integrate.quadpack –hidden-import=scipy._lib.messagestream –hidden-import=scipy.integrate._vode -F