Tensorflow GPU Install
1. Windows
- Python 3.5 version through Anaconda
- Nvidia CUDA Driver, Toolkit & cuDNN
Python 3.5 Anaconda
Installing Python by Anaconda will easily set up environments and manage libraries.
Although you can install Python 3.5 with the above latest Anaconda version, you can download Anaconda 4.2.0 version, which has python 3.5 as the latest one. (At this moment, the latest python version is 3.6, which is not compatible with Tensorflow GPU for Windows)
CUDA driver according to your windows version and GPU version. In my case, I downloaded a driver for NVIDIA GeForce 920MX by checking display adapter from the system manager.
Cuda toolkit version 8.0 or above is required
Cuda Cudnn is a GPU-accelerated library for deep learning neural network. 5.1 version or above is required.
After unzipping cuDNN files, you have to move cuDNN files into CUDA toolkit directory. Just keep all CUDA toolkit files and copy all cuDNN files and paste into
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\8.0
In environmental variable at system manager,
Check whether CUDA HOME exists in the environmental variables. If not listes, then add it manually.
Add two directories into ‘PATH’ variable
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\8.0\extras\CUPTI\libx64
C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\8.0\lib\x64
Conda Environment
In command prompt, type
And then, activate environment
Finally, install tensorflow using pip
Test GPU Installation
In command prompt,
If uou would see the below lines multiple times, then Tensorflow GPU is installed
2. Mac
- Python 3.5 version through Anaconda
- Nvidia CUDA Toolkit & cuDNN
Anaconda & Cuda Download
Same as the above Windows installation, but select for Mac-OSX version.
Tensorflow Install in Terminal
0 Upgrade pip & six to the latest ones.
1 In conda environment
2 Activate tensorflow in conda environment
3 GPU, python version 3.4 or 3.5
In case of python 3.x, use pip3 instead of pip
4 Validate Tensorflow install
In terminal,
Importing tensorlfow will show you comments like “successfully opened CUDA library libcudnn.5 dylib locally”
Finally, you can figure out that total memory of GPU is loaded (In my case, 2GB)
If you encounter error message like below,
upgrade protobuf by typing